Should you decide not to proceed with playing at Pine Hills after grading has occurred or spring training has commenced, the Baseball Queensland and Baseball Australia affiliation fees component can be refunded by contacting Baseball Queensland.
The Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club has a $50 administration fee that will be retained from your club fees component of the refund.
Refunds will be applied at the discretion of the Management Committee should an unforeseen injury or personal matter occur to a player during the season.
Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 infections and Queensland Health restrictions impacting our 2020-21 summer baseball season, the following COVID-19 Refund Policy will be implemented by Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club upon notice that Queensland Health restrictions cease baseball activity:
Baseball Queensland and Baseball Australia Affiliation Fees component will be refunded at the discretion of Baseball Queensland and Baseball Australia. Contact Baseball Queensland for details of how to apply for a refund.
Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club Fees component will be refunded by Pine Hills Lightning Baseball Club as follows:
Full refund of club fees component if training and/or competition games have NOT commenced
Pro-Rata refund of club fees component if either training and/or competition games have commenced. Refund will be based on the number of training/games undertaken
Pro-Rata refund of club fees component will be applied at the discretion of the Management Committee to cover costs incurred by the club for training and games e.g. lights at training and field maintenance.
Uniforms – As suppliers are requesting full payment when uniforms are ordered, there will be no refund on uniforms. The club will exchange (if available) only.